International Patients

We have a long tradition of successfully providing  treatment to patients from outside Germany and would love to welcome you as well. We are happy to support you and your accompanying person in organising and arranging appointments.

Medical Competence

Our team of doctors masters a wide range of different therapy methods, which do justice to each patient and their individual findings. Which procedure is used depends on the individual findings, the age and any secondary diseases of the patient.

Assumption of costs (form S 2)

If your country participates in the Social Security Agreement – german translation: Sozialversicherungsabkommen (SVA) – you can apply to your insurer to have the costs covered. Those with statutory health insurance from the EU are permitted to take advantage of cross-border treatments if this is medically necessary and/or cannot be carried out in their home country. Please note that you are obliged to apply for reimbursement of the costs of your stay in Germany before the start of treatment.

We need:

  • Doctor’s referral
  • S-2 certificate from your health insurance company (statutorily insured patients)
  • Declaration of assumption of costs by your private insurance (private patients)

Accompanying persons are very welcome

Persons accompanying our patients are very welcome at the Mosel-Eifel-Klinik. Our clinic, furnished in the style of a hotel, offers an atmosphere of well-being and relaxation.

Depending on the free bed contingent, persons accompanying our patients can enjoy their stay in Bad Bertrich. We would be happy to provide you with an individual cost estimate for you and/or your health insurance company.


EU citizens are allowed to enter the Federal Republic of Germany without a visa. If your country does not belong to the European Union, you can find a detailed description of whether you need a visa for your stay at the Mosel-Eifel-Klinik on the website of the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany:
